Monday, October 25, 2010

Monday Morning

I am having a delightful day. It is a sunny 39 degrees outside. It is also 39 degrees inside. Why, you ask? The boiler is working just fine. All the radiators are turned on. Here is the reason for the chill:
We are having our windows replaced. All of them. Consequently, half of the windows from upstairs are on the front driveway being chiseled and hacked and caulked and cleaned. The front door is wide open so that the five French workmen can keep hacking and chiseling. We are getting a nice cross breeze. It is 11:46 which means that a 90 minute lunch break is moments away and the windows will remain on the driveway until at least 2:07.
But I really am having a fabulous day. I have to stay home to monitor progress. Because of the weather both inside and out, the only habitable room in the house is the family room. After braving the arctic climate in the master bath and giving it a good scrub, I am feeling guilt-free in my hibernation. In the family room I have my computer, my knitting, the TV, a down comforter, several loads of laundry and easy access to the kitchen. So far today I have:

Cleaned the bathroom --my justification for the rest of the list.
Talked to Sarah and her friends Chad and Megan who want to come for a visit.
Chatted about our collective future with David and decided that maybe we should refinance.
IM'd with Benjamin during his advisory. I guess it is OK to chat with your mom during advisory.
Booked our Eurotunnel tickets for Fall Break in a cottage near Bath, UK.
Figured out how to fix the colossal mistake in my knitting that could have required me to pull out half the sweater.
Messed around on Facebook
Listened to a fabulous Jeffery Holland compilation on Youtube. I love Elder Holland. Here's the link if you need a little injection of hope and humility:
Tried to book a house for our RS trip to the Alsace Christmas Markets.
Watched 4 minutes of Oprah and decided it wasn't worth it.
Listened to some classic jazz.

I am now contemplating lunch and that laundry.
I love chilly days.


Melissa said...

Sounds lovely. Your talk of planning holiday getaways to romantic parts of Europe is making me a little envious. I need to remind myself that there is a time and a season...and then go change Felix's diaper :)

Sarah said...

SOOOO happy I could contribute to 2 parts of your great morning!

Heidi said...

That's a chilly and productive day! You'll love Bath. I can't wait to see photos! The Alsace Christmas market has me drooling with envy.
Hope the windows got replaced by now.

Grandma Betty said...

I can just visualize you and everything you've written about. Another great fall getaway - sounds wonderful. But 39 degrees inside and out - I don't think I could survive that, at least not so cheerfully!