IT IS Brussels. We had a fabulous weather and a full weekend. The football team even won their game which is saying something. Sarah and Anna each had two volleyball matches and Benjamin came in third on his cross country team and 11th overall in a field of 100+. Signs of autumn are everywhere--the kids have to drag me away from collecting chestnuts, and leaves are falling. Here are some pictures so you can enjoy with us. Happy fall.
In August, 2007, David accepted a three year appointment to the NATO Senior Civil Emergency Planning Committee, and the Passeys packed up and moved across the world! Sarah, Benjamin, Anna, Matthew, Julia, Beth, and David are now living on waffles, chocolate, and fizzy water. We explore, learn, and miss our friends, but are collecting new ones every day.
"Just hurry and go to sleep so we can play with your face."
Dave 11/1/2101 To Benj in the car on the way to England
"I hid all my stuff so the workmen won't nic any of my trinkets. They are really valuable."
Benj 1o/26/2010
"I don't have any quotes on the blog because I don't talk to you guys."
Anna 3/30/2010
"They had a life-sized Jar-Jar Binks in their entryway? That makes us look...normal..."
Julia 3/14/2010
"I can do it in my head, but when I do it for real, my shoulder gets ripped out of its socket like a roasted pig knuckle being torn from the carcass by a cheetah."
David 10/28/2009
"Mom, can I have some 3.14?"
Matthew 10/10/2009
"Mom, mom, mom, can I have facebook yet?"
Anna--most recently 6/12/2009
"John Glenn circumcised the globe."
Name withheld to protect the embarrassed 23/10/2009
"These press on nails make it really hard to text."
Sarah 5/31/2009
"Gunhilde* is under the imperius curse by Rufus*"
David 1/30/2009 *Names have been changed to protect my husband from rogue collegues.
"Hey Mom, my teacher said she has never seen a third grader that uses as good sarcasm as me!"
Julia 1/14/2009
"I wish my arms got as much exercise as my mouth, cause if they did, my bicepts would be gi-normous."
Benjamin 1/6/2009
"Wow! I'm really moving up in the world!"
Matthew 12/25/2008 Upon opening his Christmas Aeropostale shirt
"Can I stay home from school today?"
Sarah 11/15/2008 11/20/2008 11/23/2008 12/5/2008 12/8/2008...
"What is this dinner? It looks like jail food."
Julia 10/7/2008
"Pas de girls this year. I'm just going to study."
Benjamin 8/20/2008
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