Sunday, August 2, 2009

Is this really necessary?

July is sale month in Europe. Unlike the US, where every month is sale month, Europeans only have sales in July and January. On the first of the month (some stores start a few days early) everything goes on sale. As the month progresses, so do the markdowns. By the end of the month, the stores are just about empty, ready to restock for the winter. As you might imagine, it is a madhouse. We went shopping 3 times the first week to make up for the 3 previous month of shoplessness. I bought some T-shirts for 3.97 euro. Whoooo Hooooo!
Then I put one on.
Look what was attached to the side seam:
5 mattress sized tags! Care instructions in 16 different languages. I ask you--is this really necessary? I have to decide if I am going to keep the tags on so I remember how to wash this 3.97 shirt or if I want to live in comfort without direction. Which would you choose? Here are the languages in case you have chopped one of your tags off and you need to know how to wash your shirt in Greek.

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