Monday, November 24, 2008


We've got snow! Actually, we had is all melted now, but what we had made for a great Sunday afternoon. We had Stake Conference yesterday and for our family that means Sunday afternoon naps. When I curled up under my blankets and gazed out the window on my way to blissful slumber there were giant flakes whisping around. When I woke up a few hours later there were several inches on the ground and 5 pair of sopping wet mittens drying on the radiators, with pairs 6, 7, and 8 in use outside. Matthew and Julia ran over to the park and made as much disorder as they possibly could in the pristine blanket there and then headed home to tear up our back yard.

They soon had plenty of company, and although it was bitter cold, the snow was perfect for snowmen and lobbing snowballs at the mother from the second floor terrace (Thank you Matthew!)
I took these picture at about 5:30 pm. It was completely dark and cars were sliding all over the road. By 10:00 this morning, all the snow was gone and the sun was out for a few minutes. It doesn't get much better than that--great play with easy cleanup. Now I just have to get all those mittens put away!


Roxy said...

Snow!!! We don't even have that here yet! It looks like you guys sure enjoyed it, though! Lots of love to you all!

Anonymous said...

Mom that picture of me is by far one of the ugliest i've ever seen.