Sunday, August 31, 2008

First Day of School

Back to School!

We are all ready and the bus is coming. The summer has flown and it is time to get serious. The kids left nervous but came home happy. Everyone likes their teachers (mostly) and is ready for the fun and challenge of a new year. Both Anna and Sarah are playing Volleyball--Anna on the Middle School team and Sarah as a starter on Varsity. Benjamin is running cross country but would really like to be playing football. Matthew and Julia are eagerly awaiting sign-ups for after school rock climbing, and Beth is getting reacquainted with Brussels traffic. Classes are harder this year with loads of homework--even on Friday! I love this time of year!!!!!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

We are back in Belgium now and pulling on sweaters! What a contrast to Texas and Utah. We had such a great trip back home and loved visiting with the best people in the world. I got a little choked up at one point when I realized that everywhere I turned, there stood someone else that I love. And, the US has the best shopping in the world--OK, maybe China is better, but I'll take a good, air conditioned, TJMaxx any day.
We spent a wonderful two weeks with friends in Denton and several days with my family in San Antonio. Erin, Jennifer, Mom, and I escaped to Fredricksburg for a 40th birthday celebration--I can't be that old--and the men (with a little help from the >12 crowd) kept all 16 kids very well contained.
This was followed by the longest drive evveerrrrr through the great plains and smack into rodeo weekend in central Wyoming. No hotels for miles. Dave iron-maned it through till 5am when he finally found a room. Benj crashed on the floor, and by the time Dave and I finished carrying everything in, there were already two to a bed. That quickly became three to a bed! I now have a greater appreciation for my mom and her two sisters.
We had a great week at Bear Lake with Dave's family followed by another great week in Provo. Benjamin and Sarah spent the week at EFY, while David and I relived our college days at the creamery, DI, and the BYU Bookstore--I love that place! Fortunately, the drive home was not as long, and after three days of frantic shopping, home repair and maintenance, and last minute hello/goodbyes, we were off to Belgium again. Now school is about to start and life will return to our usual routine--lots of traffic, lots of French, and lots of studying.
We love our Texas home...we love our Belgian home...I just wish the two were closer together.