Sunday, June 15, 2008

Paris for the Day

On Monday, I took a break from real life, and lived an alternate reality for almost 12 hours. My friend, Rhonda, turned 50 and her husband informed her that she was old enough to do whatever she wanted. SO, she decide to grab two friend and run away to Paris for the day. This is the kind of thing that we always talk about, but never do. Well, we did it! Paris is a little over an hour by train from Brussels. We met at the metro, jumped on a train, ate Fig Newtons and Reeses peanut butter cup while talking about books, and jumped off in front of my favorite chapel in the whole world: Sainte-Chappelle.
Built in 1248, there is just enough stone work to frame the stained glass. King Louis IX had the chapel built inside the palace walls so he wouldn't have to walk across the street to Notre Dame. They say he used to come to service in his PJ's. My kind of King.
I have seen pigeons this tame, but never sparrows. They really liked the Fig Newtons.
Lunch on the Champs Ellysees in the shadow of the Arc de Triomphe where a 1/2 liter bottle of water costs : 8.70 euro, thats $14.24 US. And we think gas prices are high... Now what should I do when I turn 50? The Taj Mahal...the Great Wall...Easter Island...Babe's Chicken Dinner House?


Passey grandparents said...

Beth, I hope you know how envious we are after reviewing your "Paris for the Day" - a dream for many. The photos are great and it sounds like you had a terrific little getaway! What a great experience you're all having.
Love, Betty (aka Grandma Passey)

Tiffany said...

How fun! I think for your 50th you should do all of the above! Looks like Paris was fun. I love the Sainte-Chappelle picture. It looks beautiful!

T-bit said...

Beth you so deserve this! But I really hope you get to spend your 50th at Babe's with your friends from Texas! Love you!

ambyr said...

WOW! I'm seriously jealous!! How cool to go to paris for the day!! ah...maybe someday i'll get there! i'm glad you're enjoying yourself and a camera!! Are you digital all the way now?!

Vicky said...

Wow! It takes me four hours to get to Austin! I can't think of anyplace as cool as Paris that I could get to in less than 24. I'm so glad you're taking the opportunity while you've got it.