There has been nothing new here for awhile. I have reasons.
1. I am still teaching 5th grade and loving it. Who knew 10 year olds could be so cute.
2. Sarah and Benjamin are in the middle of exams. I am trying to fill the pit of despair with encouraging thoughts.
3. My friend Jessie came to visit last weekend and we spent three glorious days digging through the best junk Brussels has to offer. Lots and lots of pocket watches...
4. I am not finished Christmas shopping yet.
5. There are lots of holiday parties that need parental support.
6. When I sit down, I fall asleep.
7. What is for dinner???
8. Two weekends ago I went to Poland with 10 friends and we bought lots of pottery...again. You can't write while you are buying pottery.
9. I have no words left at the end of the day.
10. I don't want to leave Europe, so there is a little wacko part of me that thinks if I don't write about the last time we do things, maybe it won't be the last time. I know, completely crazy.
The good news is that school ends Friday and we have three weeks to recover. Check back. You may find something interesting...